Zara Brownless wins Young Apprentice 2011 after creating piggy panic December 12, 2011admin Tonight in the race for the £25,000 cash prize from Lord Sugar, Zara Brownless was named by Lord Sugar as winner of Young [...]
Young Apprentice 2011 Finals: James McCullagh and Zara Brownless creates Online game December 12, 2011admin Tonight in the finals of Young Apprentice, James McCullagh and Zara Brownless compete for the £25,000 cash prize and the title of Young [...]
Strictly Come Dancing 2011 Semi Final Results: Holly Valance and Alex Jones December 12, 2011admin Two celebrities were voted off Strictly Come Dancing this evening as Holly Valance and Alex Jones were both eliminated after last night’s semi-final [...]
2011: The X Factor USA top 5: Who got voted off last night? December 9, 2011admin What a shock! We did not see this result coming in a million years! Last night Rachel Crow was voted off The X [...]
The X Factor USA Week 7 Top 5: Rachel Crow sings Music and Me by Michale Jackson December 8, 2011admin Another great song choice for the little singing princess. Rachel has had a good night, I would be surprised if she is not [...]
The X Factor USA Week 7 To 5: Marcus Canty impressed with A Song for You December 8, 2011admin Hells bells! Would you know it! Having knocked him every week of the live shows, Canty finally delivered a performance that wowed us! [...]