Big Brother let some of the house mates go wild in a task that split the housemates in two groups to provide entertainment for younger and older viewers.
To accomplish the task, Big Brother set up two rooms in the house, one 18 certificate, and one U certificate.
One team was put in the U certificate room and one group in the 18 certificate room. Each team had to ensure that content is relative to the age certificates.
In the U room, the Housemates had to keep Big Brother’s special friend Mr Monkey happy. Mr Monkey frequently popped in to see the Housemates, sung songs with them and made them laugh. The Housemates had to carry out each of Mr Monkey’s task with enthusiasm and positivity.
Meanwhile, housemates had to provide Big Brother with ‘adult content whilst in the 18 certificate room, which included housemates performing sexy pole dancing while the other housemates threw money at them.
As both teams impressed Big Brother with their efforts yesterday, Big Brother decided to reward them both by putting in food, drinks and music into the house last night.
See photos below:
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