Salmon Akhtar business idea for wearable technology on The Apprentice could have saved Scott McCulloch from being fired but not Robert Goodwin, because he pressed the self-destruct button in the boardroom.
Lord Sugar made a double firming on The Apprentice last night after Scott McCulloch and Robert Goodwin failed to please the Lord.
It was boys against girls again last night for the latest tech themed task on The Apprentice.
They had to each come up with a new innovative wearable technology product before pitching it to three retailers.
Salmon Akhtar came up with the best idea for the boys team, but he was overruled and the boys ended up going down a blind ally.
However, in the boardroom it was revealed that the girls only did marginality better with their high-tech jacket.
The Girls’ attracted no orders from two retailers and 250 from a third.
But the Boys’ video camera jumper did even worse and had NO orders whatsoever.
But before Project Manager Scott had to pick two to face Lord Sugar to dissect the task, one was fired.
Lord Sugar said: “I get the funny feeling we’re going to get finger pointing at one particular individual, Robert, for not taking up the project manager’s position and it would be an easy way out for everybody to be saying Robert this and Robert that.
“So I’m going to make that much easier for everyone – Robert, I don’t like people who bottle out. So Robert – you’re fired.”
The boss warned: “I’m not going to mess about, this kind of deadwood is out as soon as possible.”
Scott then brought Solomon and Daniel back into the boardroom before Lord Sugar revealed his final decision as to who else would be going.
He said: “Scott, you took the project manager’s position and that may be a serious error from you. The minute one of your ideas was rejected you got the hump, and then you did what you normally do which is go and hide again but in a completely different way.
“Daniel- the failure of this task was caused by lack of sales, and that could be directly down to you. Solomon, you piped up with some good ideas and they got thrown away. You didn’t go for it, you need to man up a little bit OK?”
“But, I’m afraid to say, Daniel- selling is a very, very important part of this task and you failed to sell.
“But I have to say Scott, you did not lead this team. There is no good just taking the job as the project manager then afterwards sulking when nobody agrees with your idea and then washing your hands of it. And for that reason Scott, you’re fired.”

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