Ashleigh Coyle, an 18-year-old student from Derry, Northern Ireland, is confrontational and believes she can’t be led into thinking something or having her opinion swayed.
She has always lived in the same area and currently lives on a council estate and says it’s one of the factors that gives her the drive to push further in her career.
Ashleigh spends her money on clothes, shoes and her dog Gucci. She is a vegetarian and is a big fundraiser for a re-homing centre for cats and dogs due to her love of animals.
Ashleigh works part time in a boutique clothes shop in Derry. She is also signed to a modelling agency and does modelling work in her free time.
Her dream job would be to become a well-known model ‘but I know the chances of that are
slim’. She would love to set up her own events management and wedding planning business.
Ashleigh would rather have love than money because you always see ‘celebrities who have
enough money to feed the world and they’re unhappy’.
Her worst trait is that she talks about herself too much and her mum and boyfriend are always
telling her off about it. She also says she sometimes forces her opinions on others. She is pro-
abortion and has strong views which are generally not accepted among her community.