Mark Byron is the second housemate to enter the Big Brother house tonight.
This housemate has weekly spray tan and has HD eyebrows which he describes as ‘proper massive and razor sharp’.
He claims to be ‘a bit psychic’ and even uses tarot cards to decide what to wear.
Mark doesn’t like that he has a short temper and never backs down from an argument, ‘I often fly off the handle over the smallest things like if the wind blows my hair out of place’
He likes that he doesn’t have a filter, ‘I just say what I want when I want and never think before I speak. It’s part of my charm’.
He finds it difficult dating, ‘my problem is that I’m beyond picky, no one is ever good enough for me’.
He’d hate any mental tasks and says ‘I’d be an epic fail if I had do an IQ test or any general
knowledge quizzes’.
He’s ridiculously competitive and hates to lose, ‘if I don’t win, I just sulk’.