Jodi Bird impressed on Britain’s Got Talent 2014 at her audition earlier this year.
The 16 year old student from Wales performed ‘ Don’t Rain On My Parade’ but was interrupted by Simon Cowell half way through.
He told the student: “I can’t listen to that. Can I hear something else a little less smiley and just a better song. What else have you got?”
But the other judges and the audience convinced Simon to let her finish the song.
After her performance the music mogul told Jodi: “I may have acted a little bit prematurely there. I’m not crazy about those songs and I did cut you off too short and I apologise… ” he says.
He went on: “Actually no I’m glad I did that actually because you proved a point. You came back with more excitement and more determination, and I kind of did it on purpose now that I’m thinking about it.
“Sometimes you’ve got to push people little. So I’m actually taking credit for that performance. Congratulations!”
Amanda, who knows a lot about musicals gushes: “I bloody loved it Jodi! What I really admire is how you dealt so brilliantly with the critique.
“You came back so much stronger… you p***** all over Simon’s parade. You need to have a strong backbone in musical theatre and I think you’re made of titanium and I think you did brilliantly. ”