Over the years Britain’s Got Talent have struggled to find really good magicians with an act that leaves you breathless and asking the question ‘How did he/she do that?’
Well, Steve Pink walked on to the Britain’s Got Talent stage earlier this year with his little white cat and left the judges asking that very question. How did he do that?
The 42 year old illusionist from Suffolk stood out from the crowed dressed head to toe in shocking pink. He explained his look to Ant and Dec saying:
“It’s kind of Primark meets Versace…it’s like Primace!”
Stevie went on to introduce is act revealing:
“Today I will be performing a levitation illusion with the help of my two assistants, Chelsea and Matthew. ”
He added:
“The big dream is to have my own touring show called ‘The Fantasy Men Of Magic’ with Chippendale type dancers and myself providing the illusions. That’s the dream.”
The illusionist started his performance by summoning a scantily clad lady onto the stage and as Dirty Dancing’s ‘She’s Like The Wind’ played in the background.
The opening to his act did not impress Alesha Dixon or Amanda Holden because they both buzzed before he really got going. Stevie went on to make his assistant levitate and spin in the air and left everyone wondering how he did it.
After the performance, both of judges apologised for buzzing and Amanda Holden insisted that in the end the act was ‘really good.’
Alesha Dixon admitted that she found the presentation a little ‘tacky’ but she enjoyed the tricks, as did the other two judges Simon Cowell and David Walliams who branded Stevie a ‘really brilliant magician.’ He also liked his use of a sexy assistant, to appeal to male viewers.