John Torode stuffing with sage, apple, chestnuts and bacon recipe on John and Lisa’s Weekend Kitchen December 15, 2019December 15, 2019admin John Torode served up a tasty Christmas stuffing with sage, apple, chestnuts and bacon for the festive season on John and Lisa’s Weekend [...]
John Torode Bread Sauce with onions and cloves recipe on John and Lisa’s Weekend Kitchen December 15, 2019admin John Torode served up a tasty and easy to make bread sauce with onions and cloves for the festive season on John and [...]
John Torode turkey with onion gravy recipe on John and Lisa’s Weekend Kitchen December 15, 2019December 15, 2019admin John Torode served up[a tasty turkey with onion gravy using his grandmother’s recipe on John and Lisa’s Weekend Kitchen. The ingredients are: 4kg [...]
John Torode ginger with apple juice and mulled wine ice cocktail recipe on John and Lisa’s Weekend Kitchen December 8, 2019December 8, 2019admin John Torode and Lisa Faulkner served up a refreshing and fizzy ginger with apple juice and mulled wine ice cocktail for Christmas on [...]
Lisa Faulkner’s Baked Camembert with cheese straws, pecans and chilli jam recipe on John and Lisa’s Weekend Kitchen December 8, 2019December 8, 2019admin 1 Lisa Faulkner and John Torode served up a tasty baked camembert with cheese straws, pecans, apricot jam and chilli jam on John and [...]
John Torode Vol Au Vents with custard, chocolate and a cocktail sauce recipe on John and Lisa’s Weekend Kitchen December 8, 2019December 8, 2019admin John Torode and Lisa Faulkner served up tasty Vol Au Vents with a cocktail sauce, Coronation chicken, bacon and cream cheese and a [...]