The X Factor 2010: Matt Cardle May Not Perform In X Factor Semi Finals December 3, 2010admin 2 X Factor Matt Cardle may be too ill to sing on Saturday night’s X Factor Semi-finals show. The former painter and decorator [...]
The X Factor 2010: Week 9 X Factor Song Choices for Club Classics Week Theme December 2, 2010March 18, 2013admin 15 This week the last five contestants will do battle in the penultimate week of the X Factor to see who’s vocals will grace [...]
The X Factor: Wagner Lands Million Pound Book Deal December 2, 2010admin Wagner Carillho is said to be in the process of negotiating a £1 million book deal has a bidding war erupts among publishers [...]
The X Factor 2010: X Factor Week 9 Theme Revealed December 1, 2010December 2, 2010admin 1 This week the X Factor has reached the semi-finals stage and the contestants well have to work has hard as last week in [...]
Justin Bieber To Give X Factor Zain Malik Dance Lessons November 30, 2010December 11, 2012admin 16 year-old pop sensation Justin Bieber has offered dance lessons to One Direction singer Zain Malik. Malik has previously admitted to being scared [...]
The X Factor: Nicole Scherzinger Plans To Duet With Cher Lloyd November 30, 2010admin Pussycat Doll and X Factor guest judge Nicole Scherzinger has revealed that she is considering doing a duet with X Factor‘s Cher Lloyd. [...]