Alison Hammond Caribbean Saturday soup with beef shin, cho cho, Scotch bonnet pepper, pumpkin and dumplings recipe on This Morning

Alison Hammond served up a tasty Caribbean Saturday soup with beef shin, cho cho, cockerel soup flavouring, Scotch bonnet pepper, pumpkin and dumplings using her mum’s recipe on This Morning.

The ingredients are: 1.75 litres water, 1 vegetable stock cube, 750g piece beef shin, with bone , 1 large onion, chopped , A big chunk of Jamaican pumpkin, diced , 1 clove garlic, chopped, 2 carrots , chopped, 1 sweet potato, chopped , 2 potatoes , ½ tbsp all purpose seasoning, 50g dried chicken soup mix, Small bunch fresh thyme , 1 cho cho (chayote), peeled and sliced, 2 large spring onions, chopped, 1 Scotch bonnet pepper – leave this whole!

For the dumplings: 185g plain flour, Large pinch of salt, 100 – 125ml cold water, Salt and freshly ground black pepper.