Nigel and Adam’s Farm Kitchen: Guide to selecting the best chicken in a supermarket

In this week’s Nigel and Adam’s Farm Kitchen, Adam gives a guide to selecting the best chicken for you went you make that all important decision in the supermarket as to which bird to buy a tasty dinner.

Standard Chicken

The cheapest chickens are known as standard, and each supermarket labels it’s chickens to appeal to the budget shopper.

The birds are reared intensively indoors with around 15 birds per square meter.

Higher Welfare Birds

These chickens enjoy improved living conditions with natural light and a well-balanced diet.

Look out for the RSPCA Freedom Food logo to clearly identify these birds.

Free Range Chickens

Free range chickens have day time access to the outdoors for at least half of their lives where they have a minimum of a square meter each.

Organic Chickens

Organic chickens get to go outdoors for at least a third of their lives and get two and half square meters each. They eat organic food and roam on organic land.

Corn Fed Chicken

Corn fed birds are so named simply because of what they have eaten and nothing to do with their living conditions, so check the label to see what these living conditions are like before making your purchase.