Matt Tebbutt spiced rump cap steak with crushed potatoes recipe on Saturday Kitchen

Matt Tebbutt servfed up tasty Indian-spiced rump cap steak with spiced crushed potatoes on Saturday Kitchen.

The ingredients for the spice mix are: ½ tbsp black peppercorns, 1 tbsp coriander seeds, ½ tbsp cumin seeds, 1 tbsp chopped fresh thyme, 1 tbsp garam masala and 300g rump cap.

For the potatoes: 2 tbsp olive oil, 2 onions, sliced, 3 garlic cloves, crushed, 1 tbsp crushed fresh root ginger, 15 curry leaves, 1 tsp ground turmeric, 1 tsp black mustard seeds, 1 tsp cumin seeds, 1 tsp ground coriander, 1 tbsp garam masala, 2 green chillies, chopped, 1 beef tomatoes, chopped, 500g cooked whole new potatoes, 1 red onion, cut into rings and pickled, 100ml white wine vinegar, 20g caster sugar and ½ bunch fresh coriander.

See recipes by Matt in his book titled: Weekend: Eating at Home available from Amazon now.

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