Mary Berry served up a tasty festive ruby red cabbage with apple, onion and red currant jelly on Mary Berry’s Ultimate Christmas.
The ingredients are: 1 tablespoon olive oil, 6 tablespoons butter, 1 large onion, roughly chopped, 1 red apple, 1 large red cabbage, finely shredded, 15 oz apple juice, 4 tablespoons red grape jelly, 2 bay leaves, 1 cinnamon stick and A grating of nutmeg.
See Mary’s Christmas recipes in her book titled: Mary Berry’s Christmas Collection available from Amazon
These ingredients are totally wrong. She certainly didn’t use 6 tablespoons of butter (how do you even measure butter by the spoon!) it was more like 1 knob. It was a green not red apple, about 8oz not 15 oz apple juice, and it was redcurrant not red grape jelly.