Tony Singh glazed phirni pudding with strawberry compote and a cardamom snap basket recipe on Saturday Kitchen

Tony Singh served up delicious glazed phirni puddings with strawberry compote and a cardamom snap basket on Saturday Kitchen.

The ingredients for the phirni are: 30 almonds, 15–18 pistachios, 1 litre full-fat milk, 130g basmati rice or long grain rice, dry grinder or coffee grinder until the consistency resembles fine semolina (or you can use ground rice), 150g caster sugar, plus extra to serve, vanilla extract, to taste, 200ml double cream and 50g unsalted butter.

For the berry compote: 500g strawberries, hulled and halved, 50g caster sugar, 1 lemon, zest only and freshly ground black pepper.

For the cardamom basket: 50g unsalted butter, 50g brown sugar, 50g golden syrup, 50g plain flour, ¼ tsp ground cardamom and vegetable oil, for greasing.

See recipes by Tony in his book titled: Tasty available from Amazon now.