Simon Rimmer served up a tasty cauliflower toad in the hole with mash potatoes, green beans and gravy on Sunday Brunch.
The ingredients are: 1 large head of cauliflower, cut into decent sized florets, 2tsp each of dried sage, onion powder, paprika, oregano and some oil.
For the Yorkshire Pudding Batter (use standard coffee cup by volume): 2 cups of plain flour,pinch of salt , 2 cups of milk, 6 eggs and a tbsp of vinegar.
For the gravy: 2 tbsp of olive oil, 3 sliced red onions, 2 tbsp of flour, 125ml of red wine, 1 tsp balsamic vinegar, 500ml vegetable stock and 1 tbsp soy sauce.
See more Sunday Brunch recipes in the new book titled: The Sunday Brunch Cookbook: 100 of Our Super Tasty, Really Easy, Best-ever Recipes available from Amazon