Mary Berry mokatines recipe on The Great British Bake Off September 23, 2015September 24, 2015admin Mary Berry set the quarter finalist the task of making 9 mokatines with buttercream and a coffee icing made to her recipe, for [...]
Mary Berry four tier whole lemon cake recipe on Best Bakes Ever September 23, 2015September 23, 2015admin Mary Berry bake a delicious four tier lemon cake on Best Bakes Ever. Mary says: “There are three whole lemons used in the [...]
Bikers Ham and Peas Soup with pancakes recipe September 22, 2015September 23, 2015admin The Hairy Bikers cooked a tasty looking ham and peas Soup with pancakes in Finland. The ingredients are: 300g split peas, pinch bicarbonate [...]
Bikers planked salmon with rye bread recipe September 22, 2015September 22, 2015admin The Hairy Bikers served up planked salmon with rye bread on the banks of a river in Finland. The ingredients for the rye [...]
Karelian hot pot recipe on The Hairy Bikers’ Northern Exposure September 22, 2015September 22, 2015admin Si and Dave served up a tasty Karelian hotpot dish in Finland on The Hairy Bikers’ Northern Exposure. The Bikers says: “This dish [...]
Hairy Bikers recipe for Finnish pancakes September 22, 2015September 22, 2015admin Si and Dave served up delicious pancakes in Finland on The Hairy Bikers’ Northern Exposure. The Bikers says:”These are a cross between a [...]