James Martin peach melba with vanilla ice cream on Saturday Kitchen

James Martin serves up peach melba with a pistachio and almond caramel and vanilla ice cream on Saturday Kitchen.

James says: “What could be more summery than roasted peaches with raspberries and ice cream? If your peaches are a little under-ripe scatter a little sugar over them before roasting.”

The ingredients for the peach melba and pistachio and almond caramel: 2 whole peaches, 50g unsalted butter, 75g caster sugar, 1 orange, juice only, 25g flaked almonds, 25g pistachio nuts, shells removed and 100g raspberries.

To serve: 300g vanilla ice cream, 25g pistachio nuts, shelled and roughly chopped and 25g flaked almonds, roughly chopped.