Philip Howard Broad Bean Hummus with Beans, Grilled Courgettes, Jersey Royals and Truffle Pesto recipe

Philip Howard served up a tasty Broad Bean Hummus with Yellow Beans, Grilled Courgettes, Jersey Royals and Truffle Pesto on James Martin’s Saturday Morning.

The ingredients are: 6 Jersey Royal potatoes (each about 6 x 3cm), 200g yellow beans – or fine green beans if yellow not available, 3 medium grezzina courgettes, 100ml extra virgin olive oil and Piece of parmesan to grate.

For the hummus: 375g blanched and peeled broad beans, 1 tsp Dijon mustard, 3g salt, 75g tahini, 75g cooked chickpeas, 1/2 garlic clove, 100ml potato water (see above), 100ml vegetable oil and 25g grated parmesan.

For the Truffle Pesto: 25g parmesan or vegetarian alternative, 25g summer truffle, 100ml rapeseed oil and splash of truffle oil.

See recipes by James in his book titled: Complete Home Comforts: Over 150 delicious comfort-food classics available from Amazon now.

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