Hairy Bikers rice pudding reloaded with prune and brandy recipe on the Bikers Best of British

The Hairy Bikers makes spiced rice pudding with prune and Marsala compôte on Hairy Bikers Best of British.

The Bikers says: “There’s no need to cook your rice pudding for hours in the oven. This one cooks in a saucepan, just like a risotto.”

The ingredients for the pudding are: 150g pudding rice, 1.5 litres full-fat milk, 1 cinnamon stick, ½ whole nutmeg, 50g golden caster sugar, 25g cut mixed peel, 20g flaked almonds, pinch flaked sea salt, double cream, for pouring, to serve.

For the prune and Marsala compôte: 150ml Marsala wine, 1 tbsp brandy, 1 orange, freshly squeezed juice only, 25g golden caster sugar, 150g no-soak dried prunes and 1 orange, finely grated zest only.

See how the bikers prepare their rice pudding in this video: