Ainsley Harriott served up a sensational steak sandwich with blue cheese mayonnaise and rocket on Ainsley’s Food We Love.
The ingredients are: 60g blue cheese, crumbled(Stilton, Shropshire blue, 6 tbsp mayonnaise, 1/2 tsp Dijon mustard, pinch of cayenne pepper, 400g sirloin steak, room temperature, olive oil, 1/4 beef ozo stock cube, crumbled, 1 ciabatta loaf or French baguette, small bag of rocket, balsamic glaze, for drizzling, sea salt and freshly ground black pepper.
To serve: pickled onions, gherkins and a pack of crispa.
See Ainsley’s recipes in his book titled: Ainsley Harriott’s Friends & Family Cookbook: Over 200 Reasons to Eat In available from Amazon
Looks fantastic! Going to try this Friday eve
Just tried the steak sandwich Ainsley you were right didnt know what a difference rubbing a stock cube on your steak would make lovely