Ainsley Harriott served up tasty sausages with mustard mash and a onion and red wine gravy on Ainsley’s Food We Love.
The ingredients : 900g floury potatoes(such as Maris Piper), peeled and cut into chunks, 40g butter, melted, 1-2 tsp English mustard, 1 tbsp chopped fresh leaf parsley and splash of milk, 450, good quality pork or veggie sausages and a little oil for cooking.
For the gravy: 40g butter, 450g red onions, halved and thinly sliced, 1/2 tsp sfot brown sugar, 300ml full-bodied red wine, 1 tbsp flour, 600ml beef stock or veggie stock, 1 tsp fresh rosemary leaves, salt and white pepper.
See Ainsley’s recipes in his book titled: Ainsley Harriott’s Friends & Family Cookbook: Over 200 Reasons to Eat In available from Amazon