Ainsley Harriott served up a delicious jam and coconut sponge with custard on Ainsley’s Food We Love.
The ingredients are: 200g soften butter, 200g caster sugar, 3 large eggs, beten, 1 tsp vanilla extract, 200g self raising flour, 100g desiccated coconut and 3tsp of milk.
For the topping: 200g raspberry seedless jam and 25g desiccated coconut.
For the custard; 570g fill fat milk, 60ml double cream, 1/2 tsp vanilla paste, 4 gee yolks, 3 tsp caster sugar and 3 tsp cornflour.
See Ainsley’s recipes in his book titled: Ainsley’s Mediterranean Cookbook available from Amazon
Great recipe so easy to follow absolutely fantastic takes me back to when I was at school. Coconut and jam sponge you can’t beat it
Awesome snapin,
I make my own patties.jerk pork, chicken, love it