Isaac Carew served up a tasty mushroom risotto with parsley and parsnip puree on This Morning.
The ingredients are: Olive oil, for frying, 200g cold butter, chopped, 2 shallots or 1 small onion, chopped, 400g Arborio risotto rice, 150ml white wine, 1 litre hot vegetable stock, 240g fresh mushrooms (about 3 large handfuls), 100g Parmesan, grated and Sea salt and black pepper.
For the puree: 1 large bunch of parsley, leaves and stalks separated and 50–100ml olive oil.
See Isaac’s recipes in his book titled: The Dirty Dishes: 100 fast and delicious recipes available from Amazon
The recipe is basic thats okay you have given me no idea of how to cook it, or for how long etc I am a novice cook so everything is pretty much guesswork