Juliet Sear served up delicious baked doughnuts with a apple and custard filling (apple compote and creme diplomat ) on Beautiful Baking with Juliet Sear.
The ingredients for the doughnut dough: 200g white bread flour, 20g golden caster sugar, pinch of salt, 7g fast action yeast, 50g unsalted butter, 100ml whole milk, 1 tsp vanilla bean paste and 1 medium egg, lightly beaten.
For the doughnut coating: 30g melted butter, 80g white caster sugar.
For the Crème diplomat: 4 egg yolks, 60g caster sugar, 20g plain flour, 10g corn flour, ½ tsp vanilla bean paste, 300ml whole milk and 150ml double cream.
For the apple compote: 30g butter, 150g caster sugar, 1 tsp vanilla bean paste and 6 Bramley apples.
See Juliet’s recipes in her book titled: Botanical Baking: Contemporary baking and cake decorating with edible flowers and herbs available from Amazon