Saturday Kitchen: White Chocolate croissants and whisky bread and butter pudding by James Martin

James Martin serves up a treat for Mary Berry on today’s Saturday Kitchen. He makes the queen of baking a white chocolate croissants and whisky bread and butter pudding served with a single malt whisky ice cream.

This is a treat that James has served in his restaurant for over twenty years.

To make his pudding, James pours the milk and cream into a pan, adds a vanilla pod, and gradually brings to the boil.

He place eggs and sugar together in a mixing bowl and whisk together.

While the cream is heating, he slices croissants and place into an ovenproof dish, slightly overlapping the pieces and adds butter.

Once the cream has boiled, he takes it off the heat. He then adds the egg mixture and white chocolate and stirs well until the chocolate is melted.

He then adds whisky and continues to stir.

Next, he spoons the cream over the croissants, then adds icing sugar before using a blow torch to melt the sugar (or put under the grill).

He leaves the pudding to rest for twenty minutes to allow the cream to be absorbed by the croissants before topping it up once again with the remaining cream.

He bakes it in the oven at 140C for about 15-20 minutes or until almost set.

James serves his pudding with a honeycomb and a single malt whisky ice cream.