Actors Matt Littler and Daren Jeffries from Hollyoaks teamed up with The Gadget Show this week to select a number of gadgets that they would recommend for ladies.
They chose 12 gadgets, one for each day of Christmas and to demonstrate their gadgets, the boys went to a local Mexican wrestling club for women. After being beaten up by the girls, the boys showed of their gadgets. Here are a few of the tech they recommended:
StickNfind – Aps based locator system that uses electronic tags to stop you loosing items.
Martian Smartwatch – brings Googleplus and voice control to you wrist.
Leather mix purse – comes with inbuilt battery charger and comes in a range of colours.
The most amazing concern is precisely how technology has exploded over
time and this is the period of time that everyone is more or less fully
dependent on it. Thanks a lot for posting this enlightening write-up