19 year old student Paul Gbegbaje took to the Britain’s Got Talent stage tonight and surprised everyone with his own music composition; it was magnificent!
In the semi final he played a medley of popular tunes, which Simon Cowell thought was a mistake. Tonight, Paul decided to play his own composition, which was a risky move but in our view and the view of the judges he pulled it off. He was even awarded the first standing ovation of the night by the audience.
This is what the Judges had to say:
Simon Cowell: “I thought the medley was a little bit cheap and tonight you took a risk and the risk paid off.”
Amanda Holden:”It was very good, this is a fantastic platform for new music to happen. You are a beautiful pianist and you have shown off that you’re a great composer as well.”
David Hasselhoff: “I didn’t think you had a chance but tonight you so proved me wrong. It got better and ebtter and better and the end just blew me away.”
Michael McIntyre: “Paul there is nothing better than in a final witnessing somebody who is really raising their game and going for it and that was you. I just hope that the cameras were watching you play, I would loved to have seen how intricate and fast you were. I think you’re in with a shot, well done.”