Michel Roux Jr Coconut pancakes with mango and passion fruit curd recipe on Food and Drink

Michel Roux Jr makes coconut pancakes with mango and passion fruit curd, served with pineapple rings on Food and Drink.

Michel says: “Coconut pancakes with mango and passion fruit curd is a fantastically versatile recipe. It’s a delicious quick dessert that strikes the right balance between tangy, sweet and sour flavours.”

The ingridents are: 125g plain flour, 15g caster sugar, 4 medium size eggs, 350ml milk, 2 pinches toasted dessicated coconut.

For thhe curd: 120g caster sugar, 8 large egg yolks, 160ml passion fruit juice, 110ml mango juice and 250g unsalted butter.

See how Michel makes his dessert in this video: