How to prepare Lemon Zest for baking decorations by Mary Berry

Mary Berry kicked of her new TV series – Mary Berry Cooks – this week, showing the nation how to prepare the best afternoon tea.

Among all the baking hints and tips, was her take on how to prepare the perfect lemon zest for your baking needs:

1. Using a zester, peel long strips of lemon rind. If you haven’t got a zester, thinly peel the lemon, then cut into fine strips.

2. Put the zest in a pan with a little water and add a sprinkling of caster sugar and cook for 2-3 minutes.

3. Remove the zest and leave to dry out in an oven at about 110C for half an hour.

4. It can then be kept for decorating a verity of bakes including a lemon cold soufflé, a mousse or a whole lemon cake.