Paul Hollywood Pies and Puds: Chicken and Chorizo Empanada November 14, 2013November 14, 2013admin Paul invited the owners of two rival Argentina restaurants in London to his kitchen to show them how he makes his version of [...]
MasterChef The Professionals: Maria, Liam, Sean, and Daniel cook for survival on Wednesday making potato gnocchi November 14, 2013November 15, 2013admin On Wednesday we saw the second group of four chefs take on the challenges set by chefs Michel Roux Junior and Monica Galetti, [...]
Paul Hollywood Pies and Puds : Fruity Lardy Cake Recipe November 14, 2013admin Having watched London based Spanish Omar Allibhoy make his impressive Ensaimada Mallorquina earlier, Paul decided to impress Omar with a British bake that [...]
Paul Hollywood Pies and Puds : Beetroot Pie recipe November 14, 2013admin Today Paul went to Bristol in search of beetroot delights by visiting a beetroot super club run by food writer Genevieve Taylor. Genevieve [...]
Paul Hollywood Pies and Puds : Spanish Chef Omar Allibhoy makes Ensaimada Mallorquina November 14, 2013admin London based Spanish chef Omar Allibhoy, is one of Paul’s guests on today’s Paul Hollywood Pies and Puds show. He dropped in to [...]
Paul Hollywood Pies and Puds : Scotch Pie Recipe November 14, 2013admin Paul paid a visit to Scotland in today’s episode of Paul Hollywood Pies and Puds, to sample one of our northern neighbour’s most [...]