Prue Leith pate with sardines spinach and butter on Prue Leith’s Cotswold Kitchen March 9, 2024March 9, 2024admin Prue Leith served up a tasty pate with sardines spinach and butter on Prue Leith’s Cotswold Kitchen. The ingredients are: 2 cans of [...]
James Martin cream of onion soup with roscoff onions, chicken stock and toasted gluten free sourdough recipe March 9, 2024admin James Martin served up a tasty cream of onion soup with roscoff onions, chicken stock and toasted gluten free sourdough on James Martin’s [...]
Sally Abe Mackerel Fillets with Yorkshire Rhubarb and Pink Peppercorns recipe on James Martin’s Saturday Morning March 9, 2024March 9, 2024admin Sally Abe served up tasty Mackerel Fillets with Yorkshire Rhubarb and Pink Peppercorns on James Martin’s Saturday Morning. The ingredients are: 2 Large [...]
James Tanner Roasted Guinea Fowl with Wild Garlic Gnocchi recipe on James Martin’s Saturday Morning March 8, 2024admin James Tanner served up a tasty Roasted Guinea Fowl with Wild Garlic Gnocchi on James Martin’s Saturday Morning. The ingredients are: 1 whole [...]
Prue Leith Normandy tart with apples, apricot jam and almond filling recipe on Prue Leith’s Cotswold Kitchen March 8, 2024March 9, 2024admin Prue Leith served up a tasty Normandy tart with apples, apricot jam and almond filling on Prue Leith’s Cotswold Kitchen. The ingredient for [...]
Prue Leith brie and blackberries with chilli jelly on soda bread on Prue Leith’s Cotswold Kitchen March 8, 2024March 9, 2024admin Prue Leith served up tasty brie and blackberries with chilli jelly on soda bread on Prue Leith’s Cotswold Kitchen. The ingredients for the [...]