It is week two of Paul Hollywood’s Pies and Puds series and to kick off the week Paul went native, and trolled around the Kent countryside to learn more about wild herbs and to source some for his recipes today.
First up were his lemon and lavender posset and the master chef also made some lavender biscuits to go with it. A posset is a very simple pudding that dates back to the middle ages. Some possets can be very heavy on the cream, but Paul used lemon juice and fragrant lavender to cut the richness.
To make the posset, Paul put cream, sugar and lavender into a pan and gradually brought it to the boil, stirring all the time to dissolve the sugar. He reduced the heat a little and simmer for a couple of minutes, stirring to make sure the cream didn’t stick and burn.
He removed the pan from the heat and stirred in the lemon juice. He then left it to cool for five minutes, and then poured it into four glass cups. He left them to cool completely then cover with cling film and chilled in the fridge until set (approx. 30 minutes).