Mary Berry frosted walnut cake recipe on the Great British Bake Off 2015 August 5, 2015August 5, 2015admin Mary Berry and Paul Hollywood get the new series of The Great British Bake Off 2015 up and running with the first technically [...]
Paul Hollywood Greek Easter bread recipe on Bake Off Easter Masterclass March 24, 2015March 24, 2015admin Paul Hollywood make Greek Easter bread (Tsoureki bread) from Cyprus on The Great British Bake Off Easter Masterclass. Paul says: “Mahlab is a [...]
Paul Hollywood hot cross buns recipe on Bake Off Easter Masterclass March 24, 2015March 24, 2015admin Paul Hollywood make delicious hot cross buns for Easter on The Great British Bake Off Easter Masterclass. Paul says: “The classic hot cross [...]
Mary Berry’s Easter biscuits recipe on Bake Off Easter Masterclass March 24, 2015March 24, 2015admin Mary Berry’s Easter biscuits recipe on The Great British Bake Off Easter Masterclass. The ingredients for the dough are: 200g softened butter, 150g [...]
Mary Berry’s Easter lemon pavlova recipe on Bake Off Easter Masterclass March 24, 2015March 24, 2015admin Mary Berry make a delicious Easter lemon pavlova on The Great British Bake Off Easter Masterclass. Mary says: “If you’re looking for something [...]
Mary Berry’s Simnel cake recipe on Bake Off Easter Masterclass March 24, 2015March 24, 2015admin Mary Berry make a delicious Simnel cake on The Great British Bake Off Easter Masterclass. Mary says: “Decorate this traditional Easter cake with [...]