Yvonne Cobb fiber filled vegetarian enchiladas recipe on Morning Live

Yvonne Cobb served up tasty Mexican style fiber filled vegetarian enchiladas on Morning Live.

The ingredients are: 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1 aubergine, 1 onion, 2 courgettes, Packet of taco seasoning, 2 tins of plum tomatoes, 1 drained tin of black beans, 1 drained tin of borlotti beans, 300ml soured cream, 250g cheese (any type) and 6 tortilla wraps.

See more Mexican inspired recipes in the book titled: The Mexican Home Kitchen: Traditional Home-Style Recipes That Capture the Flavors and Memories of Mexico available from Amazon now.

One thought on “Yvonne Cobb fiber filled vegetarian enchiladas recipe on Morning Live

  1. Yvonne Cobbs vegetarian enchiladas recipe.

    The recipe and cooking instructions make no mention of baking temperature. Please supply. Thanks

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