Mary Berry vegetable noodle soup recipe on Love To Cook

Mary Berry served up a tasty one pot vegetable noodle soup with spring onions, mushrooms and bok choi on Love To Cook.

The ingredients are: 2L vegetable stock, 1 tbsp light muscovado sugar, 1tbsp dark soy sauce, 6 sliced spring onions, 5 centimeters ginger, small red chilli, finely chopped, 1 tbsp sweet chilli, 1 1/2 five-spice, 150g shiitake mushrooms, 50g egg noodles, 1 bok choi, small bunch fresh coriander, 1/2 lime juice, salt and black pepper.

See recipes by Mary in her book titled: Love to Cook: 120 joyful recipes from my new BBC series available from Amazon now.