Simon Rimmer served up tasty vegan sweet potato sage and mushroom strudel on Sunday Brunch.
The ingredients are: 8 sheets filo, approx. 250mm square and olive oil to brush, mixed with 1 tsp turmeric.
For the filling are: 300g cubed, roasted sweet potato (roast with chopped garlic), 15g sage, 400g assorted wild mushrooms, 50ml olive oil, 50g vegan marge, s&p, 50g golden raisins, 50g toasted pine nuts and 1 large caramelised onion.
Serve with dipping sauce of: 250g tahini, 100ml olive oil and juice and zest 1 lemon.
See more recipes from Simon in his book titled: The Accidental Vegetarian: Delicious food without meat available from Amazon