Simon Rimmer served up tasty ricotta, spinach and lemon canneloni on Sunday Brunch.
The ingredients are: 12 sheets fresh pasta (approx. 100 125mm), 450g ricotta, drained, zest and juice 1 lemon, 150g finely chopped spinach, 15g freshly grated nutmeg, 75g pine nuts and 15g chopped mint.
for the sauce: 1 diced onion, clove garlic, 1 stick finely chopped celery, 2 x 400g tins of chopped tomatoes and 150ml x virgin olive oil.
For the crumb: 100g fresh breadcrumbs, 75g butter, 75g veg parmesan style cheese and handful chopped parsley.
See more recipes from Simon in his book titled: The Accidental Vegetarian: Delicious food without meat available from Amazon